Making a difference with blood donation
On Wednesday 13th December, BeFlexi participated in a blood donation campaign that was organized by the Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) at “Ygia” Polyclinic Private Hospital in Limassol, Cyprus.
At BeFlexi, we strive to do all we can to benefit the community around us. Fortunately, thanks to organizations such as the CSC and its members, Cyprus has a good track of organized blood donations and is one of the few countries that, as a result, can cover all its needs for blood.

Bruno Silva and Marina Ioannou
Our commitment to corporate social responsibility is a top priority and fundamental part of our culture. As a member of the CSC we accepted the invitation to participate in this noble cause with great pleasure. We know the importance of giving blood and we feel very proud to be able to give back to the community that hosts us.

Bruno Silva with Theodoros Papadopoulos
About SCS:
Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) is the trade association of the Shipping Industry in Cyprus that represents interests of its professional Member-companies, at a national level through its close relations with the Cyprus Government and Parliament, as well as at an international level through its membership in various regional and international shipowners’ associations. Established in January 1989, the Chamber today comprises all the major ship-owning, ship-management, chartering and shipping related companies based in Cyprus.